Saturday, March 6, 2010

DH's Comment of the Week

Throughout my pregnancy, my dear husband has been amazing. He dotes on me, encourages me to rest, has gone to every doctor's appointment, has picked up the slack from my lack of energy and kept the laundry and dishwasher going, etc. He is so excited about Baby, and is genuinely awestruck every time we see Baby on an ultrasound, or by my belly growth. He is absolutely terrified of saying the wrong thing about said belly, because I have been a weepy mess for a while now, at the slightest remarks. So, he generally refrains from commenting on how I look at all, except for this morning. After I showered, DH came into the bathroom as I was getting dressed. He took one look at me (from behind) and said, "Is it possible that as your front gets bigger, your butt gets smaller?" It was so funny, and I know he was trying to give me a compliment in his own way about how my behind is looking smaller (yeah, right!) but the look on his face as soon as the words escaped his lips was priceless! All I could do was laugh. Poor, sweet DH. How I love him!


  1. He sounds so sweet! And our poor husbands do go through a lot...ha! I was an emotional wreck :)


  2. LOL! That is SOOO funny!! He is such a sweetie.

    PS- Make sure to go visit Chelle (above) she is one of my favorite bloggy friends!
