Tuesday, June 14, 2011

15 before 30, Part 2!

I DID IT! I actually COMPLETED the first level of Jillian Michaels' 30 day Shred! I can't believe it!

Background- about 5 months ago, I first bought the DVD, determined that since Jillian Michaels is an evil genius, the workouts were only 20 minutes, and since I needed to get busy on getting back into shape, this DVD would be a perfect fit for me.

Wrong, wronger, wrongest.

Each level is 20 minutes, with 3 6-minute circuits, a warm up and cool down. I didn't make it past the first 6 minute circuit back then. And, I was so sore the next day I could barely walk.

I haven't touched the DVD since then, but have been spending time (on and off) walking our neighborhood with the Munchkin in the stroller, trying to build up my strength and endurance after basically being on bed rest (self-imposed, thank you heart condition.) the last 2 months of my pregnancy.

Yesterday I decided that I was bored with the neighborhood walks, and that I would try the 30Day Shred DVD again. I just figured I'd get through whatever I could, and that would be okay. I was determined that whatever my best was, would be good enough, and I plan to keep it up until I can conquer the whole workout.

Well, LAWD Ah-Mercy! I guess those walks helped me get my body back a little bit more than I realized- because I made it through the entire 20 minute workout! This may not seem like much if you're not familiar with Jillian's workouts, but yes, it was a doozy and I'm feeling SO good mentally today for completing it.

Yes, my body is sore today, but after what I accomplished yesterday, I realized that I CAN do this, and I CAN get stronger and stronger with each work out. My body may be sore, but my mind is sharp, but drive even stronger. I can only guess that each time I do the workout, it will be harder at first (thanks to sore muscles) but will eventually get easier so I can move on to the harder levels of 2 and 3.

Another light bulb also went off for me yesterday. I planned on trying the workout during Munchkin's morning nap, figuring that 20 minutes could definitely be spared to help me work towards my goal of a healthier body. But leading up to his nap time, my mind couldn't help starting to notice all of the unfinished household tasks that I needed to tend to. Laundry needed to be moved around and folded. There were dishes in the sink, and as always, the kitchen floor was in desperate need for some sweeping. I could feel the to-do list weighing on me and guilt starting to creep in. Then, suddenly, I got pissed. What's more important, truly, important- folding the laundry right away or tending to my own personal health?

That's when I realized- as a mom, indeed I'd argue as a woman, we are trained/taught/brought up/pressured to put ourselves after so many other things- our families, our husbands, our jobs, our clients, our household tasks, the family pets, and so on. My needs and wants are by no means more important than those of my family and husband, but dang it, doesn't my body and health come before dirty dishes?! The answer, I realized, is YES.

Feeling good and ready for the next work out. Bring it, Jillian.

Linking up with Shell this week for PYHO!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

PYHO: 15 before 30

Time for some truth, people.
1. I have always been known, in my family, as the one (out of three children) who struggles the most with her weight.
2. I have always been known, in my family, as the "good eater," the "sugar addict," and so on.
3. I had a baby 10 months ago. When I got pregnant, I weighed 144 pounds. (I'm 5'3"). I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes, which turned out to be a blessing, because I only gained 19 pounds by following the mandatory diet.
4. I now weigh 143.5 pounds, and although I know it's *great* (barf) that I'm back to my pre-preggo weight, I am very, very, self-concious about my body.
5. Every time I look in the mirror, I notice my double chin, how my belly sticks out as if I'm still 3 months pregnant, how my arms flap in the wind, how much junk seems to be in my trunk.
6. Every time I eat with others- my family and my friends, I wonder if they are judging me for what I eat and how much I eat, because I am unhappy with the way I look.
7. I really used to like going to the gym after work, beating out stress on the treadmill or elliptical.
8. I am really, really, struggling with finding the time and motivation to exercise.
9. I really, really, want to lose (at least) 15 pounds. I want to feel good in my body, to be proud, physically strong, and confident in my body.
10. My mind is so full of negative self-talk, that I really truly doubt that I can physically accomplish what my mind and heart want to accomplish-strength, muscle, leanness, health.

I turn 30 on October 6th. When that day comes, I know I can look at my life and feel so blessed- I have had an incredible adventure as a teacher (which I hope to continue after our child(ren) get older, I have an amazing, faithful, perfect-for-me husband, a sweet, precious little boy and more loving family and friends than a girl could ask for. But on that day, I also want to reflect on my self, and feel proud. Part of that pride is going to come from losing these 15 pounds, by becoming strong and healthier. I'm praying by putting this into writing, it will help my resolve.
I can do this. I can do this. I can do this. I will do this.

Monday, June 6, 2011

(Old) Preggo picture! Linking up with Shell!

One of the BEST things about having a due date in the middle of August was the fact that I had NO problem hanging out in a bathing suit. I was supposed to have a big belly! Maternity bathing suit + 30 weeks pregnant = care free mama-to-be!